Irritable bowel syndrome, although it is not a life-threatening disease, has a significant impact on the patient's physical and mental health. The most common symptoms of IBS include abdominal pain, disturbed bowel movements (diarrhea, constipation), and excessive, chronic fatigue. These ailments are not dictated by organic abnormalities and the possible causes are the malfunction of the brain-intestine axis, impaired motor and secretory function of the intestines, disturbances in the composition of the intestinal microbiota, infectious diarrhea (causes irritable bowel syndrome post-infectious). IBS is more common in women, especially those who have taken antibiotics before, with a history of anxiety or depression.

The disease can be diagnosed on the basis of an interview and the patient's fulfillment of the Rome IV criteria. In addition, it is very important in the diagnosis to exclude organic causes of IBS and diagnose abnormalities in the intestine that may be the basis of the present symptoms. In our Institute, in the diagnosis of IBS, we use highly advanced Genova Diagnostics tests, such as GI Effects, GI Comprehensive Stool Profile or Comprehensive Digestive Stool. Analysis (additionally, a parasite test may be performed - in selected patients), in which abnormalities such as intestinal inflammation, dysbiosis, quantitative determination of short-chain fatty acids (their presence allow the assessment of the functioning of the intestinal microbiota) are clearly and accurately assessed, malabsorption and fungal, parasitic (GI Comprehensive Stool Profile) or bacterial infections. The test may also include diagnostics for H. pyloria, C. difficile or a breath test for SIBO (in selected cases). The above tests are performed from a stool sample in which all parameters related to IBS disease are determined.
Treatment of IBS is based on the results of research and may include dietary interventions (elimination diet, lowFODMAPs diet), treatments aimed at rebuilding the gut microbiota, lifestyle interventions (physical activity, psychological support through behavioral and cognitive therapy, breathing exercises or Mindfulness- MBSR therapy). At the Vitality Institute, the patient receives comprehensive care from the attending physician, dietitian and psychologist. We believe that only a holistic approach to treating IBS can deliver good results.